Promotion/ Discount

我們甚少提供大量折扣,因為我們的進口品牌格價保證你購買的產品不會比世界上任何銷售途徑貴,保證你買一定是最抵的。如果你找到同樣進口產品連運費比我們便宜,請跟我們說一聲,我們會以那個售價賣給你們 ;)

以下是一些推廣活動,希望不同程度、年齡、玩法的你都可以接觸及繼續玩板 ;)

We never make a crazy sale, because we have PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE every day. We make sure the items we are providing will not be more expensive than anywhere else.

And to promote longboarding and support continue skating of longboarders in Hong Kong, SBDW Longboards has a number of special offers trying to cater for different skaters.


1)PTLB!!!(Longboard Rental Service)

Not sure what you need?  
Don't wanna risk your budget on uncertain brands and set up?
We understand your confusion.

S.B.D.W. is launching the Longboard Rental Service. By trying different longboards and set up, you can find out what you need and develop your own style before making a purchase.

We provide longboards for different purposes: dancing, freestyle, cruising, long distance pushing, surfskate... All of them are imported from America and Europe, selected and checked by our staff to ensure the quality and condition. You can feel free to come back to adjust the set up during the rental. We also have tips and tutorial for newbies. 

24 hrs: $100
168 hrs:$350

Terms and Conditions:
1. The overdue fine is HKD 100 per day.
2. If there is any loss of and serious damage to any part of the longboard, 75% of the original price of that part will be charged.
3. S.B.D.W. longboard shop (U1 distribution) reserves the right to seek all remedies available at law for breaches of any of the above terms and conditions or suspicion of theft.

If there is any question, please feel free to contact us!


"我喺YouTube睇人玩得咁過癮,就想試下自己啱唔啱玩,但原來 d板都過千,唔想隨便拎嚟搏喎...."

。 等大家可以試踩唔同嘅板,了解自己嘅需要同尋找個人風格。

無論你想dancing、cruising、freestyle、long distance pushing、surfskate, 都可以租到你想要嘅板型。所有板面及配件都係由歐美進口,並由我哋挑選、檢查同翻新,保證品質狀況良好。租板期間可以上嚟換板或零件, 嘗試不同玩法及set up。我哋會提供基本教學同踩板tips,從未玩過都唔駛驚!

24 hrs: $100
168 hrs:$350

1. 於還板日期後還板需繳付每日一百元港幣。
2. 如租借期間遺失或嚴重損壞任何配件,需繳付該配件原價的七成金額。
3. S.B.D.W. longboard shop (U1 distribution) 保留權利循法律途徑追究任何違


2)Skate safe promotion // 安全玩板優惠

- if you bought a complete setup, you will get 10% off for all protective gear!!!

- 購買整板後,所有護具都有9折!!!

3)精選特賣 #SBDWsetup

為求降低入坑門檻,實行人人有(靚)板踩,SBDW精挑細選來自不同牌品但相性極高嘅板面及配件,組裝咗一堆以超抵價限量發售嘅 complete set,包括多種玩法: Freeride/Downhill、LDPump、Cruising、Dancing/Freestyle 同埋 Surfskate。



而我們會因應板面、配件的狀況而分別制定 3、6、8 折。

*選購二手板面/配件時,不能使用其他complete setup(整套板) 優惠。

- 如有疑問,歡迎直接聯絡查詢! 

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